Click links below to view images from named locations

Sipsey Wilderness Area, Bankhead National Forest, Alabama
"The land of a thousand waterfalls" and favorite local destination

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN/NC
Fun in the Appalachians

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Mountain grandeur at it's finest

Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
Scenes from my Mountaineering Seminar and summit attempt

Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
The Grove of the Patriarchs and some waterfalls

Maui, Hawaii
The Magic Isle

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
America's first National Park

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Geological upheaval

Mount St Helens National Monument, Washington

Yosemite National Park, California
Land of superlatives

Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks, California
Home of the largest living things on the planet

South Cumberland Recreation Area, Tennessee
The Savage Gulf, The Great Stone Door, and the Fiery Gizzard

Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia
The land of trembling earth

The Sierra Nevada
John Muir Wilderness, Ancient Bristlecone Pines and Death Valley

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Then you've got to see Owen's Site and Skip's Site