Trip Reports

Or more accurately, these are excerpts from my Camping Journal,
so they contain more than "just the facts", including personal observations, thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Tyndall Glacier, RMNP - September 10, 1995

Chasm Lake, RMNP - September 11, 1995

Sipsey Wilderness, Alabama - January 17-19, 1997

Coldwater Creek, Florida - March 26-27, 1997

Hallett Peak, RMNP - July 18, 1997

Mount LeConte Lodge, GSMNP - April 13-15, 1998

Mount Rainier, Washington - May 16-23, 1998

Long's Peak, RMNP - August 25, 1998

Mt St Helens, Washington - July 21, 2000

Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, California - September 9-16, 2000

Dog Hole/Fiery Gizzard Trail, Tennessee - November 30, 2000


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